Mother Earth

The Global March for Elephants and Rhinos – San Diego 9/25/2016

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Despite the warm weather, San Diegans came out to show their support for the Global March for Elephants and Rhinos.  I met some interesting people and it was a good time.  Coe Lewis from 101.5 KGB led the event and is one of the driving forces behind this event.

Find out more about her organization at


Poaching syndicates target Kruger rangers!

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by Oxpeckers Reporters
Rangers working in and around the Kruger National Park are under constant pressure from poaching syndicates to provide intelligence on the whereabouts of rhinos and anti-poaching operations.
Forensic analyst Lizelle Grobler said it was not only young rangers looking for easy money who were the ideal target for syndicates, older rangers are often the most vulnerable to blackmail.

Trader Joe’s & Palm Oil

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Read more about Trader Joe’s and Palm Oil here.

While shopping at one of my favorite stores back in November 2015, I came across a product that contained Palm Oil.  Knowing how the growing of Palm Oil is devastating in many parts of our world, I contacted Trader Joe’s customer service.  They responded with the following message.

Dear William,

Thank you for the note! First and foremost, we apologize for our delay in response, as we have recently experienced a bit of a ‘glitch’ with our website which prevented us from viewing your email until now.

The palm oil used in the Inside Out Carrot Cake Cookies is sourced sustainably in Malaysia and verified as such by the RSPO. We do want to let you know that much of the palm oil used in our Trader Joe’s products comes from small scale family farms in South America. These farmers are also certified (by Pro-Forest), which ensures that they meet strict social, environmental and technical criteria.

With regard to environmental criteria, the assessments are carried out at the landscape and operational level at both the farms and processing facilities. These assessments cover environmental impact on the soil, water, air, biodiversity and local communities. The lands the farmers use are not lands that were deforested. The lands used to grow the palm fruit are lands previously used for agricultural purposes (cattle, rice, bananas, etc.).

Still, though, while much of the palm oil our vendors source is as described above, it is impossible for us at this time to ensure that all of our palm oil is sourced this way, and some of it is definitely sourced as a commodity. We definitely appreciate your input, though, and we hope this information helps inform your shopping choices.

Thank you again,

Trader Joe’s
Customer Relations

While I appreciate their response, the last paragraph is what bothered me.  Just last week, I purchased Joe Joe’s and saw Palm Oil as an ingredient and it concerned me.  So, referring back to the above letter, I think to myself, if they can’t totally verify the source of all the Palm Oil they use in their products, then they shouldn’t use Palm Oil at all and make 100% sure that the ingredients in their products are good for the environment.  I will still shop at Trader Joe’s, but from now on, I will not purchase products with Palm Oil in the ingredients, whether the source is good or not.  I will also let my friends know too!

Bill (EN)

Bornean orangutan declared ‘critically endangered’ as forests shrink

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I’ve never understand the human need to make money with no regard to the very world that they live in, like somehow magically, things are going to get better.  Or even worse, people who just don’t give a shit about the world and just take until nothing is left.

After reading this article in The Guardian, it left me with just enough hope that things might get better for the Bornean Orangutan, but only if we (people) act to make a change.  There are challenges to the natural world on almost every continent, but to let one of closest relative reach the point of extinction is just beyond my understanding.

Please read and don’t buy product with Palm Oil and let the government officials of Indonesian, Malaysian and Brunei know how you feel. I will look for petitions to sign and find contact information for these governments.

Read full article from The Guardian here!

This Is What Happened When Someone Threw Out A Plastic Fork

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Just read this story of a sea turtle getting a plastic fork removed from it’s nose.  It seems to me that today, countries around the world have become to dependent on disposable forks, spoons and knives.  I am just as guilty as anyone and have tried not to use them whenever possible.  Today, I picked a plastic spoon off the ground that someone, probably a child, had just left on the ground.

Please read story and watch video here!

My First Post

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Recently, I saw an image of a mother Orangutan and her baby burned alive during a fire I believe was in Sumatra, but not sure at this moment.  I just can’t get that image out of my mind, the horror that they must have felt. That was the moment I decided to try and do something, so I’ve set up a Facebook page called Earth News and I’ve begun posting stories that are important to our planet.  I know it’s only a small thing, but I have to do something.

Thank you, Bill H.