Bornean orangutan declared ‘critically endangered’ as forests shrink

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I’ve never understand the human need to make money with no regard to the very world that they live in, like somehow magically, things are going to get better.  Or even worse, people who just don’t give a shit about the world and just take until nothing is left.

After reading this article in The Guardian, it left me with just enough hope that things might get better for the Bornean Orangutan, but only if we (people) act to make a change.  There are challenges to the natural world on almost every continent, but to let one of closest relative reach the point of extinction is just beyond my understanding.

Please read and don’t buy product with Palm Oil and let the government officials of Indonesian, Malaysian and Brunei know how you feel. I will look for petitions to sign and find contact information for these governments.

Read full article from The Guardian here!

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